Actuarial Students' Society of Kenya

The Pursuit of Actuarial Excellency

We aspire to unite actuarial students, fostering a community dedicated to networking, continuous learning, and the holistic development of skills in the dynamic realm of actuarial science.


Events Organized


Universities Represented


Impactful Years

About Us

The Actuarial Students’ Society of Kenya (ASSK) is a registered society that was founded in February 2013 as the Kenya Actuarial Students Association (KASA). ASSK provides a platform for actuarial students to grow academically, professionally, and socially by networking with industry professionals and fellow students across Kenya.

ASSK serves as an outreach tool for actuarial science students, offering support, fostering relationships with industry players, and providing relevant actuarial information to its members. Through its activities and initiatives, ASSK empowers students to thrive in their studies, develop their professional skills, and contribute to the future of actuarial education and practice in Kenya.

Meet the Leadership

The ASSK Executive Team comprises accomplished individuals drawn from member universities, bringing together diverse talents and perspectives to lead the society towards its goals.


Cynthia Walumbe is currently serving as the President of the Actuarial Students Society of Kenya (ASSK). She is a fourth-year student at

NDEGWA PAUL VICTOR is a final year Actuarial Science Student at KCA UNIVERSITY. He served as the KCA Campus representative to the

Lucy Murimi is a fourth-year Student at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial science. She

Odhiambo Chrispine is a third-year Undergrad Student pursuing a Bachelor’s In Actuarial Science at Kisii University. He is the Current Chairperson for

MARTIN KIARIE KARUMA – Finance Secretary Martin Kiarie is a 4th year student pursuing a BSc in Actuarial Science at Jomo Kenyatta

Mary Ngendo Itwika She is an actuarial science student at Kirinyaga University She is passionate about venturing into pensions and also being

Lilly Kandagor Aengwo is a fourth-year student at Murang’a University of Technology pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science and the

Meet Roselyne: A trailblazer in the making, her leadership prowess is matched only by her unwavering ambition. As a proactive and outstanding

Vanessa is a fourth-year student at Daystar University pursuing a BSc. in Actuarial Science. She served as a vice chairperson of Daystar

I am a fourth-year student at Meru University and the current treasurer of the movement of actuarial students of Meru University (MASMU).

I’m Joy Kendi, Kabarak University fourth year. Previously I worked as the Campus representative to the ASSK before transitioning into the Corporate

Greetings! I am Melvin Mwani serving as an Assistant Corporate Affairs Secretary with a commitment to excellence. Beyond my corporate role, I’m

Actuarial Events & Competitions

ASSK organizes a diverse range of events, including seminars, workshops, and networking sessions, providing valuable opportunities for members to engage with industry experts, gain insights, and build connections within the actuarial community.

Next Upcoming Event
04 July 2024
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